Yr 11 take revision masterclasses

26th October 2018

After a long term, year 11 were ‘treated’ to a drop down day on Thursday to tackle revision. Too often we hear students complaining that they ‘ don’t know where to start’ , ‘there’s too much to do’, ‘revision is boring’ or ‘what’s the point?’. In an assembly Mr Wilkinson and Mr Ashcroft dispelled a few myths and started to tackle some of these common complaints, during the rest of the day students attended a series of  hour long slots dedicated to all things revision. Students had the opportunity to choose 5 sessions, pertinent to their own concerns, which were aimed at kick starting revision practice. Mind Mapping, motivation, understanding the exam, mnemonics and many other topics were available.

Having delivered 3 sessions on ‘Understanding the exam’, students were very complimentary on the value of the day and said that it had really helped them to focus. One comment though has made us think that we probably need to do more – ‘Today’s been great Mrs Polley – but why haven’t we done this before?’ Good point – we have taken that advice on board. Yr 7s look out you will be next!

Have a super break and look forward to seeing everyone on Monday 5th November.