Construction starts on new changing rooms

28th February 2020

Over the half term holidays construction has begun in earnest on our new changing rooms. The school has worked with North Yorkshire Local Authority to submit bids for refurbishment projects  over the last few years. Finally we were given the go ahead last year that the changing rooms would be the next capital spend. The planning and design process started back in 2019 and we are very grateful that as a school we have been consulted all through the project to make sure what we get is what we need.

Both changing rooms are being completely stripped out and a new external door will be added. This is essential for us, so we can extend the community use of our facilities. Many people know that since the fencing was erected in 2017, there have been some frustrations in opening our school out of hours. I am now confident that we have overcome many of the issues and the changing rooms will certainly help.

On another point, we are still working with Leyburn Town Council to make better use of out of hours booking arrangements. Due to budget cuts we have reluctantly not replaced our caretaker role this year. This has led to some difficulties with opening and closing the site. However, we do now have a plan and hopefully can launch our new arrangements before the summer break.