Headteacher update

24th April 2020

Thank you once again for your continued support with home learning. We are currently auditing the google classrooms, to find out who is missing out or having trouble accessing lessons, so next week members of the Senior Leadership Team might well make contact with some you to discuss our options.
The government has launched a package of support for some students, including the options of improving hardware and connectivity. However, as with all government schemes there are restrictions on who does and doesn’t qualify. We  will ensure that the widest group of families needing laptops will get them, particularly if this is situation is going to continue into June.
As to knowing when and how we will reopen, the short answer is we don’t know. Throughout this crisis Headteachers have learnt of what is happening via the BBC daily government briefings, so I may well only have a heads up when you do. However, as a Senior Team we are working an a number of scenarios so I am confident we have ‘all bases’ covered.
We are making plans to do a virtual transition for our new Yr 7s, so if you have a younger child who is due to join us in September, you will be hearing from me shortly on how that might work.
Attached is the latest guidance from North Yorkshire County Council.Support for young people and parents in secondary schools in relation to mental and emotional wellbeing – NYES (1)
As ever Keep Safe