Headteachers Update

3rd April 2020

Firstly a huge thank you for  your support and patience over the last 2 weeks. I appreciate that these are stressful times and your goodwill and good humour has been very much appreciated. The senior staff have worked hard to deliver Free school meal boxes and this will resume after the Easter break. We have also just about finished delivering revision guides to Yr10s. There are still some books on order and as soon as they are in I will be going round finishing off the deliveries. Hopefully before the end of next week. The teaching staff have been tremendous in providing skeleton staffing, setting and marking google classroom and working on a  myriad of other administrative tasks whilst at home. A new staff rota is in place  for the Summer term.
As we move into the Easter period I have taken the decision to close the school for 2 weeks. Earlier this week I made contact with all our Key worker parents and ensured that they did not need us to support them with child care. However, should the situation change and you are a key worker and find yourself called into work and have no alternative, please do make contact with me and I will arrange for the school to be staffed. You can contact me via email or on my mobile number.- 07808 209365
We are trying to create a virtual tutor group for after Easter using Google Meets- this way all students can meet with their tutor on a video conference call once a week- it would be great to be able to ‘see’ some smiling faces. We are attempting  a whole staff ‘google meet’ after the holiday and if it works we will roll it out to students.
Some students might find the following Microsoft link useful if they need and want to use Microsoft in their work, it’s free and works really well ; https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/education/products/office
Here are 2 documents with some contact details and advice on how to keep safe and well.

Message for Pastoral Support 
Well Being Apps

Lastly I hope you manage to find some time to relax and enjoy a break. My best wishes to you all. Stay safe.