Our green fingered students need your help

23rd October 2020

During the past few weeks students have been getting involved with the school gardens, but we are reaching out for help and donations of equipment and flowers. 


The students have been working hard on the garden during their enrichment sessions.


They have been weatherproofing our homemade greenhouse and digging out weeds and couch grass in preparation of planting perennial flowers. The students started to transform our log pile into a home for solitary bees and other insects on Tuesday. 


However, we need your help. We are looking for plants to fill our perennial flower bed. If you are splitting any plants over half term please could you send them in with students after half term or drop them off on the roundabout when school is closed on an evening (not over the holidays however as they will die before we get back). 


We would love to fill the patch to have some colour next year. We are also looking for donations of bulbs if anyone is planting any and has any spare it would also be a real help.


Finally if you are throwing away any gardening equipment, sheds, tools, wellies (smaller sizes 3-6) please email me on kate.huitson@wensleydaleschool.net and I will try to organise collection. All donations will be gratefully received.