Update from the Headteacher

3rd September 2020
We are ready to welcome all our students back. Attached is the latest Risk assessment which has additional information on the guidance of Face masks.
Year 7 will return on Tuesday 8 September- all buses are running normally. All year groups return on Wednesday 9 September. Just a reminder if your child walks to school or is dropped off, we would appreciate it if they did not arrive on site until 0850.
For the first two weeks, all students will require a packed lunch,the kitchens have been hit by flooding and therefore are out of action for the first 2 weeks. We will update you as soon as we are ready for Dolce, our caterer, to provide the  breakfast club and a lunch service. If you are in receipt of Free school meals we will continue to upload money on to your co-op card for the first 2 weeks of term.    Lunch boxes are acceptable and as the water fountains are temporarily not in use, your child will need sufficient soft drinks or water. I would also suggest that snacks are healthy and as mess free as possible, as break time will be taken in classrooms and we need to avoid mess to aid deep sanitizing cleaning. I thank you in advance for your support with this.
All buses are running normally, if you have not yet received a NYCC bus pass, please just get on the bus as normal. The Catterick and RAF Leeming buses, WEN 1 and WEN 2 will continue to be a free service, the timetable is attached. Face masks are to be worn on the school buses, also attached is the guidance issued by NYCC, which I only received yesterday.
Students and staff  may wear face masks in communal areas and corridors. The school now has  a one way system, which will be explained to all students on their first day.
On Tuesday 8 September your child will be able to log into GO4schools and see their timetable for the year. We will also email all students a copy of their timetable on Tuesday 8 September. It is really important that they know which lesson is their first one on Wednesday, as they go straight to that lesson- tutor time has been moved to the end of the day. Staff will be on hand to guide and direct on the first morning. Year 7 do not have to worry as they will be supervised by staff as soon as they arrive on Tuesday morning.
The new uniform is listed in the attached parent handbook, however for this year ONLY, if your child has the old pale blue shirt and tie,  this is acceptable uniform together with the new school jumper. The old sweatshirts are no longer part of the uniform. As usual I have allowed summer polo shirts to be worn until 1 October 2020. PE kit is unchanged, but has new optional extras.
The refurbished changing rooms are nearly ready, however in light of Coivd-19, changing is not recommend therefore if your child has PE they will need to wear appropriate PE kit for the whole day. Track suit bottoms and PE top with the school jumper is preferred, as the school has to keep windows open as far as is possible to have ventilation through the building.
It is essential that your child brings bag to school. We are unable to loan pens or pencils, due to Covid risk. Please make sure they have the basic equipment. A list of what is required is also attached. Each student will be issued with one A4 exercise book. This will be kept by the student and used for all classwork for all lessons- except Art. Art will have their own A4 sketch books and these will be kept in school. Any assessment work, exam questions or work that needs to be marked, will be completed in a different subject specific exercise book, which will remain in school.
I will continue to email parents with a weekly update during September, however moving forward we have decided to send a monthly newsletter and post it on our social media platforms to keep everyone updated. In the event of a local lock down, we have contingency plans for resuming on line learning and I will inform you if and when this needs to happen. Can I stress that should anyone in your household become unwell you must follow government guidelines and if testing positive for Covid-19 inform the school at once.
Below is a government link to guidance for returning to school.

I apologise for the length of this email, but it essential that students know what to bring, what to wear and how to behave. I will be urging the students to support their friends, their families and staff in school by adhering to the new protocols, one way systems and break and lunch arrangements.  I do appreciate this will be hard for some. However, we must be as safe as possible for all of us.A small team of staff have worked tirelessly throughout the summer, to ensure we get this right and get children back to learning in a safe and ordered environment

.I thank you again for your support.
Stay safe