CCF on exercise – 21-23 May

24th May 2021

Cadet Camp started immediately after school on Friday, when our 36 cadets were issued with kit and given a tactical briefing on the local Leyburn Freedom Fighters (LFF) and their quest to drive out cadets from North Yorkshire.

After perhaps not the best night’s sleep on Saturday morning,  clearance patrols went out into the local area doing hearts & minds patrol to gauge feelings towards cadets in the area, this took us to The Shawl where we were met with nothing but positivity from the locals. The six teams put up standing patrols and practiced their personal admin/camp skills before returning to base.

They then went into camp routine providing security of the school site, they established a guard room, operation room, a quick reactions force, patrolling team and one urban and one rural observation post.

Throughout the 24 hours they reacted to hostile extremists (played by school staff) and successfully managed to defend the school site from a Leyburn Freedom Fighters take over. ( Weapons were rubber- don’t worry!) They were rewarded with pizza and a campfire (marshmallows included) and were returned to parents on Sunday morning exhausted and content that their mission was complete