Healthy lunch box ideas

12th November 2021

If you bring a pack lunch to school, making sure that it’s fun, healthy, and will give you lots of energy is a great way to help you power through the day. It’s not always easy to have variety or to know what’s best, though, so we’d thought we’d share some great things to pack and their benefits.

1. Fruits and vegetables.
We know that this one gets repetitive, but that’s because it’s important. Bringing along some fruit and veg that you like can help you to ensure you’re getting lots of vitamins and minerals to get you through the day.

2. Foods that keep you full.
It’s super difficult to work when you’re hungry, so it’s great to include carbohydrates as a base for the lunch – foods like bread, rice, potatoes and pasta can increase your energy and keep you full for longer. Bonus points if you choose wholegrain alternatives for some added fibre!

3. Fun and new foods.
If you eat a packed lunch most days, it can be really fun to mix things up by including foods you haven’t tried before or things you’ve made/baked yourself at home. Having some variety can make lunchtime more exciting – perhaps try researching packed lunches from around the world and seeing what you can replicate at home!

4. Easy healthy options.
It’s not always easy to whip up the perfect balanced meal when you’re in a rush, so it’s always good to have healthy options on hand. Couscous, for example, is really quick to make and is a tasty filling lunch option.

BBC GoodFood has some great lunch box recipes online here. Let us know if you use any of these tips.